52 High Street, Caythorpe, Grantham, NG32 3DN | 01400 272215
12 Ermine Street, Ancaster, Grantham, NG32 3PP | 01400 230226
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We put great emphasis on recruiting suitably skilled and motivated staff who will help us in delivering the best care possible for our patients. After initial induction and training in their individual roles e.g. reception or dispensing we then have whole practice training events approximately four times each year. These meetings allow us the opportunity to reflect on the services that we provide, to consider how we can meaningfully interpret and implement NHS innovations and reforms, to learn from situations where we feel that we could have done better (using a tool known as Significant Event Audit), and to provide generic staff training.
Recent events have covered preparation for the Care Quality Commission visiting the practice, fire safety, training in fire safety and safeguarding, the Mental Capacity Act / Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards and use of our clinical software system (SystmOne).
For details of specific dates please see the news section on the homepage of this website.
Please note that both Ancaster and Caythorpe surgeries (including the dispensaries) will be closed between 12:30pm and 4:00pm on these dates. We apologise for any inconvenience caused by this.